Words are like stones, and sometimes they need to be smoothed or shifted slightly to reveal the true meaning that lies hidden just beneath the surface. A rocky beach may at first look disordered, but upon closer observation, it becomes apparent that the forces of water, wind and earth worked together to place each stone precisely where it is. Each individual rock is a piece of art in and of itself, and yet altogether, it creates another piece of art.
I see editing like this. It is my job to bring to the surface the true essence of what you are saying. I do this by working with what you have given me—the bare material, words.
Editing Services
So you are finished writing YOUR FIRST DRAFT! Congratulations! Now what? Does it need to be fine-tuned? Are there structural issues that make the writing choppy in certain places rather than flow the way you envisioned? Is there a clear storyline? Do your characters jump off the page and become three-dimensional or are some of them stuck in limbo, between dimensions--half on the page, half off?
Or maybe this is the final step before you can achieve your Master's or Doctoral degree and you need MLA or APA formatting help! I have worked with graduates from Columbia University, Oxford University, Sussex University, and am an official thesis editor for Pratt Institute.
Is English your second language? With over ten years of experience teaching writing to ESL students, I am qualified to help you. It is important that what you want to say is being said in a clear, grammatically correct way.
This service is also for those who don't want input about content, but prefer straight line-by-line editing for business letters, resumes/CVs, college entrance essays, articles, essays, or longer book-length projects.
Tanio McAllum is an excellent editor. She seamlessly understood my intentions and offered feedback that was always right on. As a wordsmith Tanio improved my book tremendously. Equally important, I felt supported and encouraged. I learned a lot from Tanio and will definitely be working with her again! -Lisa Levart, author Goddess on Earth