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VIP Coaching
We all have a story in us—now it's YOUR turn to tell it!

You and your book sit—facing one another. You caress its beautiful cover and pages, running your fingertips along the rows and rows of words. Together, you have journeyed far and wide, each challenging the other as you push past uncomfortable moments so that you can both expand, each nurturing the other in moments of tenderness, each playing with humor, beauty, laugher. You have gone to all the places and back again and here you sit, both complete in a way you never imagined. You get to have this! And all the delicious support you desire.

~ Lori Sash Gail

"By experiencing her insights, quiet directionals, and critical insights, I found the writing process to be thrilling. She is steadfast in her encouragement and acceptance, but without personal agenda."

And through the telling of your story, you will embark on an inner voyage of divine transformation…

Your journey is as unique and individual as you are! The VIP Coaching program is tailored to move at your pace. You are in charge of how quickly or slowly we move and how deeply you want to dive into your own story and life! No matter the level of exploration, I will be there as your expert guide.

You may begin this journey with a clear vision of where you want to go. Sometimes that vision, when loosened a little, will open up and expand beyond your wildest dreams. Let the fun begin!

What's Included?

Self-Care Package

As your story grows and unfolds, so are you. With each step on this journey – and each word that you write, you are stepping into your Writer Self! It is only natural to take divine care of yourself during this process. We will co-create a nurturing environment (through an Office Visioning session) and an enjoyable routine designed to fully support you each month as you move through the different stages of your project. Plus, you get a special delivery to get you started on your self-care journey!


Fresh flowers delivered to your door to keep you connected to your senses, inspired and surrounded by beauty – and to remind you that your coach (that’s me 😀) is always here for you – to see you through this project until it is sitting on bookshelves and in the hands of humans whose lives are changing from your words! 

~ Lisa Arrigo

"Tanio has been such a source of  inspiration, guidance, and support for me throughout this process of birthing my book. I've never worked with anyone who just provides so much joy and creates a space that's so creative, abundant and loving."

Artist Dates

We will visit places that are related to your writing project (either in person or on Zoom), using each “date” as a stepping stone to inspiration and creativity. These can include museums, art exhibits, music venues, nature walks, dance performances, bookstore visits, reading and discussion of related books, articles, podcasts.

1:1 Coaching

Your monthly 1:1 coaching call will support you so deeply! With all the attention on you and your current writing project(s), we will spend this time in a variety of ways, from plot mapping, chapter outlines and content development, to deepening your connection to and understanding of your characters and their journeys, to creating meaningful mindset and embodiment practices, to talking through any feelings or stuck-ness that come up, to celebrating wins, having dance parties, and becoming more aligned with your project, allowing it to deepen you as a writer and human. 

90-Minute Coaching/Writing Sessions
(2 per month)
60-Minute Scaffolding Session
(1 per month)

We will write together and work through sticking points in your writing process with a focus on creating an enjoyable, consistent writing practice – and of course, getting those words out and finding your flow.

This is when we work on creating and revising the inner scaffolding of both your book and you! With a monthly theme designed to support you as a writer and human, we begin with foundational exercises including mindset, somatic practices, mediation and visualization.

Phone support (2 weekly 10-minute check-in calls), email support (unlimited) and texting to “bookend” writing sessions when needed. 


"Tanio has a way of gently leading you to the destination with your writing."


In a totally held and supported environment, you will receive so much, including a fun co-writing experience focused solely on you and your project. Tap into the flow of your story. (Location dependent): we meet, walk, dance, do a grounding ritual, eat great food and WRITE!

Monthly Membership

This is designed to support writers with all the things that take place "behind the scenes" when you are writing! You will have access to all your material, organized in one place, with monthly content drops. The membership includes:

• Craft Talks with accompanying material (recorded)

• Prepare to Publish Workshops (live and recorded)

• Mindset journaling prompts for Writers

• Guided Meditation for Writers

• Embodiment Practices for Writers

• Fun Writing Prompts

• Generative Writing Sessions (live)

Are you ready?

•    You want to share your story with the world!
•    You have an idea for a story and want to dive into it but aren’t sure where to start
•    You have started a writing project but haven’t finished it yet because you deeply desire support, guidance, and         community 
•    You want to take an exciting, mystery-filled, treasure-seeking, gold-mining journey through your own inner                 worlds so that you can stand in the physical world more fully and divinely, in complete ownership of your story
•    You have important things to say and stories to tell but when you sit down to write, you go blank 
•    You have a deep desire to un-silence your voice but feel like there is something blocking you from sharing your         own divine truth
•    You have a desire to transform as a human being and as a writer
•    You are curious because you keep getting pulled towards specific stories and are not sure why - but you want to       explore and see where they lead
•    You desire a divinely supportive, inspiring connection with your writing coach

by the completion of this program:

•    To claim the Writer Within
•    A sense of completion around your writing project 
•    A divine Intuitive Writing Coach who holds the most luxurious space and will guide you on your journey
•    Transformation! It is through writing that we reconnect with our deepest selves
•    A sense of Freedom! Finally, you are listening to this calling inside – there is nothing that compares with the            feeling you get when you answer that call.
•    You get to tell your story in a compelling and deeply moving way that will resonate with others 
•    Confidence! By doing something deeply important to us and fulfilling a dream, living out our purpose, we start         to see the world with new eyes
•    To consciously, and with total awareness and choice, put missing pieces of your “story” together (this even               works when writing fiction!) in a way that makes you feel complete and ready to create the next chapters of your       life as the divinely accomplished author that you have become 
•    One of the most luscious, exciting, riveting, mind, spirit, and body-blowing journeys of your life

~ Lori Sash Gail

"Tanio gave me a method to organize my materials, allowing me to discover that there was actually a true form to my creative madness."

And if you don’t have them yet, we will start where you are and build.






A taste of what it's like to work with me... 


As an Intuitive Writing Coach, I get “hits” about your writing projects that are spot on and take your projects even higher and deeper than you could have imagined.

  • Together, we tap into Pleasure & Joy each time we meet - these “sources” became part of your Personal Writing Process

  • We will celebrate when you rise and when you falter / you will get to enjoy “bragging” about your weekly wins!

  • I am totally present and “tuned in” to you and the nuances of your needs when we meet

  • I am able to shift at a moment’s notice and match you in each moment of our time together

  • I deeply inspire and hold amazing, luxurious space for you

  • I radically approve of where you are in each moment of your journey

  • I give inspired mindset and other journal-writing prompts to move you deeper into your writing

  • I fine-tune our sessions to meet you exactly where you are and to bring you higher so you leave each session with clarity about where you are going, what you are doing next and how to achieve that so we can celebrate even more when we meet next

  • My step-by-sexy-step process of writing and total transformation is slow and enjoyable with plenty of time built in for rest, self-care, relaxation, and celebration 

  • I create a glorious scaffolding to support your project and build it together from the ground up--just as I support your personal growth and transformation throughout your journey

Discovery Call

Set up a discovery call to see if we're a good fit!

Contact Me

Thank you for contacting Tanio! We will be in touch.

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© 2023 by Tanio McCallum | All Rights Reserved

Designed by CodeWriteCreate Studios

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