• Get a “Tour” of my website
• Set up a free 15-minute consult
• 10 minute free-writing session
• 1 Writing Prompt for the week
• Ultra-discount voucher for next workshops series
A year in the making, and with the encouragement and expertise of my fabulous website designer Julia Lucas, I am ready to launch my dreams! I am so very excited! For many years I’ve had a dream to run my own writing workshops, in my own space. Last year my dream came true! But it didn’t just magically come true. What happened is that I finally prioritized my desires! In the winter of 2019, I began my first workshop from the comfort of my home. Six wonderful women signed up and a writing community was born! A year later, that same core group of writers is still with me and they continue to grow towards their own dreams of writing regularly—of carving out space for their creativity. Each week they say “YES!” and prioritize their desire to create in the form of the written word—and they continue to complete their diverse projects. When Covid-19 hit, our group was rocked, like everyone was. We took a week off, as there were a number of members at high risk, but no one wanted to stop meeting. So, like many other people, we moved online. And it works! It’s not the same as chatting while we all get a cup of tea from the Tea Station in my home, or being in each other’s physical presence, but there is something wonderful about the continuity of our weekly Zoom workshops, of seeing the same faces and focusing on something other than Covid-19.
This inspired me to start another online group, and now I want to expand that desire and offer writing workshops to people all over the country and world!
This your invitation! The world is changing drastically in a multitude of ways outside our windows and on the streets, swirling each day with a new reality, a new set of numbers, a new way of doing everything from working, schooling, grocery shopping, staying connected…and it is reassuring to have a place to be. A place to create, to get support and feedback, encouragement. Something magical happens when writers get together. And we need some magic right about now! I didn’t mean to get all Covid-19, but that’s what I love about writing. You put your pen in your hand or a keyboard beneath it, and words come out! Thoughts, too, and feelings. Things that are hidden or tucked under get revealed, and something happens! Changes occur. Creativity brings the creator into the present moment. Into the creation, into a place of fantasy and desire, of inspiration and magical thinking.Writing puts form to things. It physicalizes the intangibles of human existence. And shifts happen. Inside of us, and when we are courageous enough to share our words, it shifts others, too. When we write our stories, share our personal experiences and vision of the world, it changes us. It heals us. It brings us to a higher level. And those who read our words, they are brought higher, too. And the world is changed for the better. Plus, we get to use our imagination… when given the space for creativity, sparks ignite! A memory becomes a three-dimensional room, or a loved one’s touch… Come. Sit. Write. In small groups or one-on-one. This is your invitation!
You bring a beautiful and positive light at this time. How wonderful to see your vision brought to fruition. Wishing you every success. Writing is good medicine. It is part of our actualized selves and we need teachers (you) to guide us down a disciplined path to communicate our voices.
Tanio, I am feeling your space place. Congratulations on this website and blog!
Feel so lucky to continue to be one of the Six Original Workshop members who gather to bring the creative space into focus for one another through your inspiration and support.
BrAviSsimA Bella!